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Question Do you use parabens?
AnswerAll Dr. Barbara Sturm products are currently formulated without parabens except the SUN DROPS SPF 50 – we have chosen to add a low concentration of paraben to best preserve the product, maintain stability, and prevent degradation or contamination.

These ingredients are studied and regulated; their usage has been accepted by the European Commission and the FDA in the USA. This means this preservative ingredient has been tested numerous times to ensure it is totally safe.

Question Are your products organic/natural?
AnswerDr. Barbara Sturm products combine the power of naturally occurring and advanced science ingredients that are simple to use, highly effective, non-toxic, non-irritating, and absolutely cruelty-free. Dr. Sturm does not use aggressive, irritating ingredients. Beyond this, Dr. Sturm does not like labels such as ‘organic,’ ‘natural’ or ‘clean,’ which have no consistent definition and tell you nothing about a product’s safety or efficacy. We are committed to bringing you the very best ingredient science and being certified “organic” does not always yield the best ingredient.
Question Do your products contain fragrances?
AnswerGenerally not, but with limited exceptions. “Fragrance,” when used in our products like the ANTI-AGING BODY CREAM, is selected for its pleasant scent but also for its proven tolerability. Most fragrances contain allergic substances, or “allergens”: if present, it is compulsory to state this on the label, even if the percentage contained is minimal. Where possible, we tend to use fragrances which do not contain allergens and which should therefore give rise to fewer problems. When fragrance is present in a Dr. Barbara Sturm product, is indicated in the list of ingredients as PARFUM or FRAGRANCE.
Question Can I recycle the packaging?
AnswerYes. And the packaging for our serums and drops is made of glass – which is particularly recyclable and can be used for a long time.

We as a company have a strong environmental ethos that we are acting on, including an already executed dramatic reduction in packaging materials, a shift from plastic to glass as a raw material and to other sustainable ingredients. This shift has begun and will continue. We are exploring eliminating the outer wrapping packaging and soft touch varnish from our products and we are changing from plastic jars to glass jars, and making our packaging (and therefore product size on the shelf) smaller.

All of our paper used for packaging is FSC certified, which means it comes from forests that are responsibly managed, socially beneficial, environmentally conscious, and economically viable.